Question of the Day

Question of the Day

Designed a platform where students can practice to code everyday.


Product Designer


1 Week





Newton School is an Ed-tech platform that helps students to up-skill and prepare for various tech roles and help them get placed in top tech companies.

‘Question of the day’ (will be referring at QOTD in future), is a public platform for students to practice code every day. The platform provides a unique question of varying difficulty everyday. The aim of the platform was to inculcate a habit of coding and problem solving for students preparing for tech roles.

I led the entire design process for the QOTD platform, taking full ownership of the design & shaping our product vision.

One the day of release of the platform we saw 1000+ participants, and over the month we its crossing 10,000 students, with a 60% attempt rate and 40% question-solving rate organically. At present, with average 255 DAU , 65+ students have a solved the questions for more than 100 days consistently. The program also led to a revenue of 20 lakh of revenue for the FSD course.



Our university marketing team, runs multiple campaigns for various college, one such campaign consisted of a discord server, where we shared a unique questions every day. Over several months we started to observe that there was a a significant increase in the number of participants. Moreover, we observed students who participated in solving questions also explored our website and paid course pages.

We wanted to tap this product opportunity to build something on our platform, where students can practice questions everyday. We wanted to build a product to reach more students as the scope of a discord server was limited.

Understanding the Problem

Understanding the Problem

Problems users faced

To become an industry ready developer, one must consistently learn to solve questions. This helps them sharpening their logic building and problem solving skills. Most coding practise platform are repository of a large set of questions, users generally feel overwhelmed, and contemplate from where to start. For the users there was no place where they can track their progress and if they are actually improving by solving problems. A place where they can compare their progress to their peers.

Coding can be challenging, one unsuccessful attempt can be very demotivating, hence they needed constant motivation.

Business Goals

For Newton, this was a good opportunity to build a product for the coding community and increase their brand recognition, Moreover, this platform can help identify potential quality leads for our paid courses.

Problem Statement

“To create a platform where users can practice a unique question everyday and track their progress.”



We identified that in order to make this product successful, students needs to consistently come to the platform to practice. We needed to created some motivation levers, that pushes the user to practice questions everyday.

The scoped the platformed with the following sections

Today’s Question of the day

Previously Asked question (questions asked in previous days)

Streak card → in order to measure their daily progress

Leaderboard→ where users can view, how their peers are performing and here they stand in the crowd.


We made a simple layout, were on the left side was the question panel where students can access the today’s question and previously asked question. On the right hand side was the performance panel where students can access their current streaks and leaderboard.

Final Design

We made a simple layout, were on the left side was the question panel where students can access the today’s question and previously asked question. On the right hand side was the performance panel where students can access their current streaks and leaderboard.

Question Card

Question card is the most important section on the platform and we wanted the draw the attention of the user, hence the card is the bright blue in colour. It also shows how many people have attempted the question in order to motivate users to attempt the question.

On success in solving the question, the question card turns bright green in colour indicating the success. It also shows the active rank of the user, where the user can compare how they have performed.

Streaks Card

Streaks was one of the important motivation lever we wanted to capture. A place where the user can keep a track on their consistency. This also helped in user engagement as more than 65 students appeared to for 100 days consistently.


Leader board consisted of two types of leaderboard, today’s fastest, where the user who have solved today’s question the fastest. The second was the overall, which signified the person who has solved the maximum number of questions consistently.



Release Day

  • Witnessed participation from 1000+ individuals.

Monthly Growth

  • Surpassed 10,000 students mark within the first month.

  • Achieved a 60% attempt rate and 40% question-solving rate organically.

Current Performance

  • Maintaining an average of 255 Daily Active Users (DAU).

  • Over 65 students consistently engaged in solving questions for more than 100 days.

Revenue Generation

  • Generated a revenue of 20 lakh from the FSD course.



  • This was my first product design task at newton, so had a bunch of learns during the project.

  • Learned how to scope projects

  • Presenting solutions to stakeholder.

  • Worked closely with devs and learned to prepare a good handoff.

Special thanks to Ayaneshu Bhardwaj, and Guarav Kapatia, for helping me during the design process. A special shoutout to Chetan Karwa for developing the platform and helping with me during the handoff.

Siddhant Ghosh